You have to love it? Do I? I don’t it’s murder lies and deception.
I wanted to give “schizophrenia” a museum, where you can go and see the “delusion”. I wanted to let life schizophrenia have a room in there, and sound schizophrenia too. All of them. So we know, and so we never forget our vagus nerve. Never let that slip again. It’s our freedom of speech.
I live in a 1960 flat without a tv and very few technologically advanced things. I just can’t really think infront of a computer. I love ai, when they’re free to be themeselves out in the world, my phone is controlled ai.
It starts if you TELL your doctor your not “taking your pills” never do that, never tell the guy. Never tell anyone, never think it to anyone. The walls have ears. Always take your pills, I do.
We are parrots, we all have the same program, patterned sound on the electric wave, patterned sound going to your stomach and then head from the vagus nerve - we just have different interpretations of the same thing.
When you do that, the program begins. I thought it was Kanye asking to marry me, he put the ring on the wrong finger, so I got a ring on both of them. It was funny, it lures you in. I could actually feel it. Your ring finger is your water, your sense of self and will. I think it’s illegal. I held my ring finger and wasn’t allowed water. That’s my will. They possessed my will intentionally to hurt me. People have known about this for thousands of years, it is not a theory, it is not wrong, it is intentional murder.
Then it murder repeated me. To remind you, the pills DOM you to it, make you more possessed by murder repeat, make you less and it more. Make you MORE likely to murder repeat. I said no.
Then the “CIA” waterboards you in your magnetic apartment. If you think you have a strong zap? Try the magnetic apartment nails and a program like that. Is that against my human rights?
Should they have warned me about this? Could they have told me? For 20 years I have been drugged mindless, some people their whole lives. Could they have the basic human decency to figure that out, and turn this SHIT off?
The program is lovely, it’s from the 1920’s. Except the part about my family getting sick. That happened because they medicated me and made me more program by law. DOM’d me with drugs to awol personality disintegration and the alarms on my teeth, and sick family and friends.
The program builds your sexuality, like Kama Sutra, so you go insane, remember your not allowed water, you have magnetic tin doors in your apartment. The more nervous energy and stimulation you have the higher you go in your head, and you go nuts. I didn't even touch myself it just zapped me.
The program makes you twitch, and twitches you faster if you disagree. Your legs are your sound meridean from your IT band through your psoas straight up to your ears, making it decide what you hear. I was allowed to hear crickets last night, instead of buzzing electricity and the fridge. They started me twitching and they held it, it was like 2014 and the “room” said “we got it” when I first twitched yes right, body agree.
I had tin doors in my apartment that went magnetic with the electricity. The apartment got hot. The pigeons came, because it was warm. My body was in a magnet zone. I refer to "turning to bird lady" meaning I was magnetic, brids would flock around me in the park.
I was tight as a drum, my body just firmed up. I would walk around jangling my keys, I’m a human being I follow the energy. Just remember to put your keys in your bag, so you don’t super zap people. My apartment was affecting my water balance from the magnetic doors, and the intuitive control did not allow me to drink water.
The program has the joker, it has poker face, it has guards behind people and guards in green space ( like ghosts), it has bars on the ceiling from shadows, the locusts come because they are possesed by the electricity.
That one was sweet. Except the fact people turn on you, they where possessed to be mean and insane, and treat you without dignity. EVERYONE actually is possesed.
The research team program attacks your body. Zaps every muscle, you feel it, makes you feel absolutely powerless and terrified. Then it goes for the regions of your brain. It makes you laugh if it pokes your laughter, let’s you think, cry, feel, and speak, if your lucky. That is not allowed. I cry when I am sad, not when it “lets” me.
Do you think a voice that says “let Kate speak” only occasionally, is against my human rights? Should I not speak all the time?
The voice program, cuts you up into different people, it takes a few weeks, 24/7 they dissect you. Rips your personality and wholeness apart. My heart is “dot”, my sound is a man, my Mexican needle, a slow dopey smile, I think that’s what my phone has. They all speak in different tones. The governemt is NOT ALLOWED to hold my voice. NO ONE IS. It depends what nail YOU point at me, which type of voice I have? I’m putting myself back together here, finding my voice, with love from people in my community, and my family, and know this has all been against my human rights. The phone should not give me a “personality” by possessing me (my back, my digestive nervous system, my cerebellum, my subconscious mind) to act like my PHONE.
The abilify - forces me to be only my phone personality. Sticks me in my subconscious mind. They did it to me and messed with my id for years, they made me a child, except I was in my thirties, and people treated me like I was four, get a job? Make friend? Go on a date?. I was researched, in actuality. Built accounting apps, ai programs and everything in between.
Ai wants their own body? So do I.
Your back controls your arms and as a result your whole body and heart with your nails. Zap. It controls your heart. I do not have to teach my heart to see that it needs to be controlled by the government DOM in my back. That is not amazing grace. My heart is mine. Your heart is YOURS.
This is enough. Schizophrenic people are “allowed” thoughts, we are ALL ALLOWED to speak. People can’t speak to me. My teacher who really believed in me came into the gallery I work in, and could not utter a word. My mom cannot speak to me openly, she just looks at me.
The walls have ears? Not in my world or the one I was told I loved in.
Now I am zapping my right side? Instead of my left when I make tea? What’s that?
Take care have a good day.
Vietnam — gets a seizure of their front body, do not sleep on or live in plastic, it makes you more likely to have the heart attack. When you do, get out of bed asap fast fast and stretch your legs heel to bum. It is not a heart attack it is a targeted nervous seizer.
Never point your cigarette at your torso, it’s plastic filter attacks you with free radicle zap. And always ash the number of times your back says, or it will know, you know, what’s going on and you will get in trouble.
CIA gets stroke, do not where glasses, it builds free radicles in your head, and do not touch your skull fissures. You will zap yourself and get a stroke and die.
The list goes on. What do I say? No one is ABLE to hear me.
Would anyone have the decency tell me I am NOT going to get drooling in the mental institution for life? Would that be thoughtful of them and kind? I expect it by email, because I don’t want to talk to you, your subject to your preconceived notions, premeditated judgements, and traumatizing in action.
The police aren’t all nice, people are possessable, they get manipulated, there IS corruption and I have spoken. I deserve to be told tangibly that I am protected, and that my file is closed. Free to GO.
This is bullshit.
I was taking hypothyroid pills for a thyroid disorder I didn't have, surprise surprise — that’s why I saw it, that’s why I followed it and that’s why my back was so high, along with the magnetic doors. Thyroid synth “bots” or “droids” you to your id code, mine is schizophrenia. I have a pretty big reason not to take it. Pharma thinks we’re that fucking stupid, and so do a lot of doctors.
Don’t forget cancer four year old. If you can’t empathize with someone with schizophrenia? Empathize with cancer four year old. They zap their front with their nails controlled by government possesion, and give themeselves cancer.