Do you zap yourself, like point your nails at your torso, touch your face, touch your organ centres? If you read this? It’s because your not allowed:) I am asking you to TRY just TRY and think for yourself, to NOT just go with the “flow”. Going with the flow allows you to be dom’d by your government chosen id and never think for yourself again. Do you zap your friends if they step out of their id code line? Thats the assholes in the government, that’s assholes in camh and assholes in the university of toronto, deciding who you should be. They are not all assholes, but many of them are.
This writing is not a gentle insinuation, it is not a hint, it is not a gentle visual. It is stuff we HAVE to talk about clearly concisely and openly. You should be afraid of this, our situation is “scary”, deal with it. We are all terrified to move, think, feel, and breathe.
Zahn thinks it’s some kind of “chemical imbalance” in my brain but she doesn’t really know? She is lying and deceiving. “Mental Health” is a programed electric wave and bad id, that goes with your vaccine mineral salt saline, and then you zap yourself and go nuts, other people zap you too, and bully you into taking hospital, where they undress you, steel your dignity and then sweep in and say they are there to help you and the only ones that will. Most are miseducated, some are just assholes.
Should the best most beautiful buildings in a city be a hospital? Is that insane?
This world is creepy. Original sin does not exist it is given to us, by the church, now by pharma and the government. My parents have my awol id and treet me accordingly. They are afraid of me. Their subconscious asks me if i am taking my pills, that is their phone control. I answer with my left or right arm. Right yes always. They are afraid of me and mean to me. I think they have a human right to be kind❤️ they have subconscious control from their phone and vaccine. Sound is God sound does not do that to people and Sound is not sinful, sound should possess your back your vagus nerve (digestive nervous system), not the government, and not your phone, sound is not original sin. They gave priests peopdophile control cat needles, they are our FAITH. I got drooling in the mental institution, the guy over there got car theif, what did you get? Break that shit, your salt, break it. Just do nothing it tells you to do.
Yoga teachers figure that out if you put them through absolute hell. I am a yogi, trained practiced and I take it very seriously. I am a teacher, a seeker, and a student.
If you ask me — it’s terrorism against humanity — TERRORISM.
Health Canada ? Are you going to give me another vaccine? For the covid terrorism? No. Stay away from me, stay away. You are not in your right mind. YOU. Are you going to manipulate people to donate fortunes, who have only good intention?
I am not allowed to criticize the government, but? — Royally 120 % fuck you — from the guy hip thrusting in camh who’s not allowed out and drooling in a sound tight room that lights things on fire, from the pressure, but they blame him. Listening to the "program" all day forced out of himself. So medicated he’s drooling, the nurse drops in sometimes to call him stupid, or rape the female mental patients. Tortured, but holding on with the memory of something sweet, he’s still in there. FUCK YOU FEDS FUCK YOU.
Where do we go from here? It’s scary. People have been subliminally threatened zapped by their friends and families finger nails via id code, into not being themeselves. We all are in deep and so afraid. We have to hold each others ground through this.
I’m allowed to poop in this house. I’m allowed to do yoga and issie is allowed to meow. I’m taking what I can get, this life is a shit show.
The “real” is the 1920’s delusion, it’s the Great Depression, it’s why we agreed to go to war. Everyone looks really skinny, with no teeth, your eyes deceive you. There is mold on all the veggies in the store, it looks like the end of the world and of safety.
The holocaust is real, they washed (mind controlled an entire country) Germany with sound to the vagus nerve, bum to tongue, including the cerebellum. Made them genocide Jewish people, disability people and black people.
Now Jewish people are killing people. Why is it always the Jewish people? Is that antisemitism?
Good power? TELLS YOU it’s a delusion. If you know it’s a delusion and code, you are aware of your situation and are able to manage yourself. Good power does NOT do it to you and lie, and try and deceive. Even if it’s supposedly going to be a nicer world? GOOD POWER does not give you a divorce (it costs money), your kid cancer (there's jobs there), your neighbour isn't forced to murder ( jails are businesses), for "economic" safety. Do we have GOOD power? No. Good Power is honest, straightforward, and kind.
All I can say, is that I did not take the optional vaccine in like grade 11? Maybe? My friends all said why not? I didn’t know why not, maybe that’s it? Does it give you your governemt exam? Cake decorator radiologist?
I had a 1999 diagnosis for my mental health. I did not see a doctor until 2005. How was I diagnosed 6 years before I had a problem. Was the problem because the whole school was glaring at me? Is that my problem? Was the problem that there was a white truck coming to take me away every time I looked up? They gave me, a dry, anxious, young woman who was loosing weight hypothyroid medecine for that. I call it synth “bot”, it sped me up faster and made me nuts. Do you logically speed up a person suffering from anxiety and weight loss? I told them about “white truck”, they locked me up. Is “white truck” and an entire school glaring at me, a problem with the freedom of thought of everyone in the school and country?
People actually push out of society, trod on and ignore mental patients from their subliminal control. Mental patients are not paranoid, people if they are not being mindful are cruel. Mental Patient art work actually doesn’t sell from id code, they actually can’t get a job from id code, their friends actually are not allowed to call them from id code, their family actually is forced and threatened to be afraid of them, people actually constantly every day push them off the sidewalk, say their stupid, nock them down, treat them like idiots and talk to them like babies. Mental patients are our most sensitive and brilliant, mental patients are capable of having a thought. Mental patients would figure this out.
2020 eye (from electricity burn) white lady is actually not allowed to date a rhthym man. They are not allowed to date me? Even if I have a Haitian Mexican needle combo and rhthm myself, and even if it’s who my body feels. Not allowed to be friends not allowed to speak to each other, no mixing human. Fuck you. We zap ourselves if we talk to each other, how are we supposed to live in a house together? We’ll zap each other it will go bad. I want to fall in love. I have a RIGHT a human RIGHT to love who I feel. Is it why some people are incapable of having a family? Of staying with their wife? Maybe we should stop the judgments of entire cultures of people, and lay the blame where it belongs? THE GOVERNMENT.
Some people are allergic to plastic condoms. Plastic allergy doesn’t exist? medicate them abort their children? Give them aids? Give them crack? (They put crack in my abilify for years and did not protect my supply chain, or did it to me intentionally) ( no Kate ? Crack helps you? ).
I am not allowed to speak my truth to people or talk to anyone. My face distorts and my tongue pulls out, that’s needle. If I tell the guy in the health food store “ I scratch my (cerebellum area) when I have a thought, and that I should get some indie nail polish, take everything out of the soap that lets them make me itch from the sky, and pray to GOD, that our civilization finds itself, so we don’t all die in the saline” I get in trouble, my face distorts, my tongue pulls out of my mouth, ( it scares my body, and as a result it scares me). If I keep saying things and getting distorted face I will go insane. I am not allowed a friend. I am not allowed to exist.
Soap, to help people out is an anti free radicle in itself, lather is. Just be careful to not to dry out and that there isn’t hell in your soap, cream or whatever else, minerals, plastics, bleach, sulphates, the list goes on. Lather neutralizes free radicles. Except plastics silicones, minerals etc in soap tie you to your id code.
Doctors have delusion, they think I have dry eyes, she saw my eye zit things (styes) (they’re not there). My optometrist gave "dry eyes" to me in ID code (because SHE IS DELUSIONAL), then it gets worse because I have its intuitive control, then I need drugs PHARMA for the intuitive control to turn it off, (from fingernail zap).
An antioxidant - Iike fizzy vitamin c — anti oxidizes your brain. The chemical imbalance is from overstimulation (an over abundance of free radicles). An omega three calms inflammation, and vitamin D strengthens your heart, your eyes, circulatory system, light balance is stronger.
Live low - free radicles are high in plastic in electricity in hvac and light, even in polyester clothing, THEY ARE STATIC. Glasses are “mental health” they are plastic on your head, your free radicles build, and they control your mind. Does a covid mask build free radicles behind your ears and in your lungs and teach you to behave? Does your hvac filter actually threaten you with Covid masks lying around your house? Like actually your hvac filter is intelligent targeted thought feeding. Terrorism.
Contacts are hard with dry eye diagnosis because they are plastic in your eyes, and the more free radicles you have, the more susceptible to the id code you are.
Be careful of the health food store. Your magnet hand will pick up the product that they slipped up in, if the assholes really hate you. They are also trying to transfer the power away from doctors and medecine and I don’t know if it’s right. Don’t change the power, fix what you have because you know it inside and out. You can fix what you have, you don’t know the problem in the new.
HVAC is thought training. The filter is actually a targeted free radicle attack, it threatens it rewards it is very smart, intelligent, controlling and mean. If you have a thought, you’ll get in a fight with your loved ones. Are we too house trained? Am I just a free thinker? Or where we ALL told that we all had our freedom of thought? Is it against our human rights, to be given cancer? To be kicked out of society? To be allowed and not allowed to entertain certain thoughts? To be allowed and not allowed to act for a more just, free world?
Find your comfort level — heat is nice - an airtight house is maybe too much for some people.
Try and own your own breath. The intuitive control allows us to and breathes for us, it makes is zap ourselves to not breathe if we think for ourselves.
Like yoga feeling the sun getting exercise so you own your own body, anything that lets you move and break and bust the control!
Try not to twitch. Don’t let them convulse you. They can’t get you if you choose your own mineral balances and take sun and your own water, they can’t convulse you if you are low level (low plastic low power and low hvac).
Intuitive control is so good they can constrict your pupils they can punish you with your own zap they can make other people zap you and hurt you.
They can allow your skin to feel. They can allow you to touch your face. They can pull your jaw back and make you insane they can pull your tongue, and make you angry. They can make you slur. All with your own fingernail zap.
Every millimeter of your body can be controlled. They can let or not let you poop eat think dream be creative be kind they can pump you and make you mean, change your language? Do I say "fucking"? Or is it my awol id? WAS THAT DONE TO ME INTENTIONALLY?
They can control your sexuality and allow or not allow you to love, to feel, to care. THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT CHOOSE MY SEXUALITY, WHO I LOVE, WHO I'M FRIENDS WITH, ALLOWED TO INTERACT WITH.
They can threaten who you are your spirit, your heart, your knowing in absolutely every way.
pharma just makes you less, and them more. You have to take it Kate? And count bricks at the subway station all day?
Homeless people are not allowed out of a two block radius and forced and sedated to pick garbage because they are so drugged to hell intuitive control. Dom’d and possessed to do it and forced with medecine not to be allowed to say no. Via the vagus nerve. Your digestive system. Your bum to tongue and arms. Controlling your cerebellum (subconscious mind).
Bad people in toronto know it and dom’d me and possesed me to let them rape me. So drugged i can’t say no or feel a thing. My dr knew it and decided to cut my sexuality and make me four years old in ID ? Is that a joke? Am I allowed to have sex and love someone? Like as an adult? Am I allowed a “job”? My dr decided to build an accounting app off my finance exam, but yell at me for doing well at financial accounting? I’m not allowed to think? Fuck off.
I am just taking a break I’ll be home so soon? Maybe. Toronto ripped me to shreds - I wasn’t allowed out of my flat, was electrocuted because they pumped the power. They didn’t fix the fucking toilette, so they water pressured me, but maybe it kept me from too much electricity?. They made me drink coffee every time I spoke. They threatened me all day long for four fucking years. The whole city was pointing their phone, and finger nails at me, laughing about doming people with no idea, not a thought in their head, that it was the destruction of my personhood and that they are all insane, with a complete lack of humanity. Streets are mean.
The entire lakeshore was white truck. If I see a white truck the program tells me they are going to take me away (It makes me paranoid). Except, the whole lakeshore could not decide for themeselves what colour car to buy or when to leave the house? That is a massive problem with individual thought and volition.
My mom got cancer, my aunt fell down the stairs, my friends moms got sick, my other aunt had surgery with the murderers/ incompetent idiots, my mom got in a car accident my other aunt can’t swallow.
They tied me to code that did that by LAW, all of that happened when I have been drugged. The "mental institutionl absolutely refused to believe that it was murder blatant murder. Medecine ties you too your code, they gave me code where people die, give her more medecine more? what? No, kill her? Did I have a thought and cause someone to get cancer? NO. Or is it cold hard dirty bloody murder and threatening? CODE. A code that controls the subliminal thought pattern of every last one of us. Medecine makes it worse. Medecine is PHARMACEUTICAL, call it as it IS, it makes you more code and less you. That is insane. You cannot do that to any human being by law, or their mother, or their aunts, or their friends moms.
They tried to 600km ambulance drive me and give me a labotomy along the way. bullshit. that’s total fucking bullshit, it’s a program, can I please have some glasses? Do I even need glasses? I think Parkdale crack addicts might do well with some glasses too, ineptitude or maliciousness?
Someone has to STAND infront of this country and say we have a delusion and that we are not alright. Full stop no exception no excuse. They will get zap for our country and have to take it. Our country will get fence that will control our techtonic plates and then get earthquakes and flood and kicked out. I don’t care, it is our fundemental nature, and freedom. WE HAVE a DELUSION. We are not alright. This is not the way of the world, or a world that is dignified. We live in an unethical, immoral, society. We do not have our democratic rights, that are FUNDEMENTAL, to the safe functioning of our civilization. We have a really big problem, have for over 60 years, and NO ONE has said a thing?
New York — do you want to dig up your rocks yet? The new playground on the bank of the river. They are giving you earthquakes, because they are affecting your tectonic plates. Do you want to try? That's what people always say to me, an assumption I am too "mental health" to comprehend their derogatory, patronizing, treatment, while they think they are being nice to the stupid one.
Could the governemt take the barcode off my pills so my magnet hand doesn’t tell my phone if I’m taking them or not? Which I am, I need my pills I need the institution with the food the twenty electric outlets in one room, and the steel cupboard nobs and sound pressure and camera in my room for the governments economy, I know I do. I don’t want your vial pharmacy, I don’t want government meds they where putting crack in them for their “research”. Health Canada. Stay away from me.
The police came in the night for me. I was not allowed to speak think or move, drugged, ridiculed, defamed, infantilized, and told, along with everyone else I was “sick” and needed to be patronized. I was told and treated like I was lgbt and couldn’t accept it? Mental “health” is defamation. I think I know my body.
I was not allowed, by the mental institution, to tell New York the rocks where giving them earthquakes. Why? Because CAMH is guilty of researching a human being for twenty years and is incapable of accepting accountability.
I was not allowed to tell anyone who could change it, that a plastic tent with electricity is a bad idea for a covid patient. That the army canvas tent would be better, as it is less stimulating to the nervous system, and reduces coughing and illness.
Because why? Accounting app? Is that trivial? In comparison to what I was trying to say? Where people dying? Could what I have said have saved lives? If had been allowed to speak? Heard?
I am a mental patient, I am not allowed to be angry with anyone ever? It means I’m violent? I am not alllowed to try and stand up for myself, I am not allowed to ask to be treated with respect, I am not allowed to be rewarded or acclaimed for this work herin?
I was given a ten hour week shitty job, where I was pissed on and not even allowed to contribute, because it’s my “mental health” ? While they took my work from my website and called it theirs. DOM’d by camh to show in an off grid non commercial gallery where CAMH controls the message and visibility. For a week, am I a sweet mental patient who can’t really sell? No.
Top of my class, schalarship student from OCADU ( but the police think I didn’t graduate?). CAMH DOM’d me to advocate for them, their pharma, and their dehumanization. That is my freedom of artistic expression.
People that “serve” have a contract, and are paid, are recognized, often sign an oath and have their tongues held.
This is a concerned civilians effort. Mine.
I am angry, I have decided I am allowed to be pissed off, by manipulative terrorists, who opened Pandora’s box a long time ago and hurt people with it. Angry, at idiots who do not have a thought in their brain, so think they have a right, to take mine, without awknowledgment, credit, respect, payment or saying my name? I can’t do well , or receive credit? It’s my mental health?
I am angry, but my criticism comes with love, and hope.