Why would you keep someone down, in a world that has not told or educated the truth for thousands of years, unless you were trying to further disguise the truth. If you had good intentions you would ask me.
Three kids in a sandbox, and you have politics.
Why would you feed me articles in school, and force me to write about that them, when they coincide with my thinking that has taken years to carve out, and also frame me as a racist bitch. Cut me out of my job, cut my osap so I get 3,000$ less, and take my work?
This world is a shit show, we’re animals, dying, researched, abused, economic appendages.
American Yoga Alliance, International Yoga Therapy Alliance and me…
No one does this alone. Sound, Atom Life Lee and a lot of people are trying to speak…
The human rights of professionals to speak, clearly and concisely of their individual professional opinion, on disability, on their profession, and in particular mental health/illness for me.
I was trained at the Nosara Yoga Institute. I am an American Yoga Alliance RYT500. I love yoga. I am a teacher. American Yoga Alliance Teachers are not allowed to speak about “mental health”/ illness. You have to be an International Yoga Therapy Teacher, to do that. However, I can, :) , as a Nosara Yoga Institute teacher, I teach from my own experience, I have experientially learnt about mental health, illness, and the truths of corruption. We had an email back and forth, they did not counter me. My freedom of expression and opinion, my freedom of expression is my creativity, it comes from lee. My freedom of speech from sound.
I did not do a 500, or 200 hr. RYT anywhere else. I paid the Yoga Sanctuary, didn’t take the class, but they didn’t pay me back. I asked. There were two graduation certificates when I sent in my diplomas, but one disappeared, they both appeared from where? I think I emailed them to say they made a mistake.
Is it against a professionals Human Rights, to be curtailed in their professional opinion. Against a professionals freedom of speech, opinion, and expression. (The un gives us our opinion and expression (lee atom life), the government gives us our sound( speech). They protect it by law or so they say. Or do they take the other for each other? Play them backwards, because the human race has a PROBLEM, with freedom of thought, and it is not a nice world.
You cannot force me to say I’m mentally ill, even if you think I am, I have a difference of opinion. You cannot force people to get cancer. You cannot force me to say what you want, to be sick, to silence me, or kill me if I speak.
My copyright and IP rights are being violated by Maria Karmiris (disability Proffessor, I didn’t want to take that class I was puppeted to and forced). Irene Marques (an English prof, and camh employee?), TMU, Ryerson, Chang school, University of Toronto, OCADU, OCAD and OCAD University. As well as D2L( and their operating company). My business classes that I wanted to take, and was enrolled in were “cancelled”. My material is being fed to me in my arts classes to speak on subjects they want to take from me. I have complained, they have played dumb, feigned lack of comprehension, told me they’ll get back to me after my assignment is due. I am being accused of insanity I got framed by accommodation (Mandi), and then sent to the head of the accommodation team(Samantha), who has the power to force “treatment” on me. I want my rights and voice protected, so it is not appropriated, falsified, manipulated, disguised, buried, stolen, what I am trying to say is too important to our society. What I am trying to say is not good for business for academic nazis.
Giving an intentional run around over my rights ip copyright and ideology, is illegal, delayed responses, lack of direct answers, is manipulative and framing. Irene Marques, and Maria Karmiris are both guilty of “I don’t understand what you mean”. No response from Maria and Irene, means my work is my work, mine, I established it, I don’t have to fight for it or I do not have to claim it, it is mine. Ideology, wording, meaning everything.
“my version of events” -Emeli Sande
Why would you keep someone down, in a world that has not told or educated the truth for thousands of years, unless you were trying to further disguise the truth.
Marma Therapy, a sacred art, is being misused by the government and nazi infiltrators in the market economy, to cause cancer, mentall illness, heart attack, stroke, many others. Marma therapy and the environment (a result of government misregulation, government miseducation) is used by the government to kill people.
Pattabhi Jois brought yoga to North America, because he believed with the combination of yoga and a scientific education, someone would figure it out, and share. Yoga to me is a “love gift” from India, and a job, a responsibility. It was shared, so we can all find our freedom.
My lineage is my family❤️🙏🕊️🐱🌞🥹 explained in the next few posts, and my yoga lineage is Don and Amba Stapleton❤️
I wanted a better video from Don, but that’s all I can find on the internet, he was a great teacher.
I thought Ambas pool noodle was a different colour, in the video I watched, she did heal kick, and went to the front of the calf, I found out that goes to the cuneiform bone, cuneiform, is one form, unity. This allowed my jaw to release, when I did it, it was the inspiration for the meridian of sound. I always felt my psoas, but I was tight as a drum after the tin doors. Amba is a great teacher, humbleness, laughter, silliness, and presence with voice.
Nazi murder attempts don’t work, when you pray.
As a Yogi, I never give up my “I”. I am a human and not divine, and definitely not going to enlighten to the government. I am not going to unite with the universal energy until I die, because that is what that is, my friend and fellow student told me that in school, Don said it too, if you enlighten you die. I am not a Buddha, but a peaceful yogi, human with human experience, faults, mistakes, still learning, already complete, good enough.
With love life — and remeberance for all lost because of silence and silencing🙏❤️