You probably don’t want to, as my id code ensures you think I’m useless and dispensable, I got it from the government.
how do I look? My jaw has grown strong, it’s not mine, mines tight. My brows soft, they never where, I had an arc, my skin dead and numb, my fingers feel limp but also as though they are pulled up, I gained probably 15 pounds this morning, swollen, and no ambition, it’s their idea, and will have no consequence in my life relations or career? they’re hurting me. I’m research rat, for u of t have been for over ten years, against my will knowledge, and begging them to stop. You can’t say no when it comes from the sky. I look like my absorb forest green Twistie dad? Or my absorb red and Gaul mum? Or my absorb garnet grandad? None of them, the government has decided they like me better this way, and I don’t get to choose or feel, my family or my history is not allowed.
To contact me to talk, ask a question or buy a painting
But best to buy from me directly if shipping not required
@kathleenfinleygorman on pinterest
@kathleenfinleygorman on Instagram
These works are intentionally channeled esoteric forces. Intuitive art just happens. I have learnt to flow with it from a grounded place. A bringing forth and up of spirited, inspired creations.
The work is from a developed poetic process of turning myself off and making room. A kind and gentle allowing the work to happen.
These works are excercises in sensitivity to sound energy. Embracing the beauty of difference from the energetic side.